We believe arts are at the heart of every vital society

Living Arts International (LAI) incubates cultural initiatives that contribute to a peaceful, sustainable future, using the living arts as a catalyst for change. LAI began in Cambodia and is shaped by its identity as a grassroots, post-conflict, non-profit organization.
LAI has spun-off organizations that enable cultural development in the Mekong Region, and in the Global South. LAI is now embarking on an ambitious project to bring Global South communities into the heart of global efforts to democratize access to cultural heritage, through technological innovation.
Where We Are
Cambodian Living Arts is a catalyst in a vibrant arts ecosystem, inspiring new generations.
Mekong Cultural Hub empowers diverse cultural practitioners to bring to life their visions for a sustainable and inclusive Asia.
Conecting South initiates policy-driven, transnational cultural actions, inspired by the resilience of arts communities in (post)conflict contexts.
Who We Are
Executive Director

Phloeun Prim
Managing Director

Frances Rudgard
Head of Finance

Kuon Manith
Board of Directors
Richard C Helfer

Chair of the Board
Eric Wong

Head of Finance Committee
Venka Purushothaman

Executive Officer
Head of Advisory Group International Programming
Sarah Gardner

Head of Governance & Nominations
Nico Daswani

Head of Institutional Advancement
John Burt

Rachel Cooper

Melissa Im-Giuffrida

Carrie Malcolm

Mary Read

Philippe Peycam

Partners & Supporters

Contact Us
LAI is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, registered in the USA
with a branch office in Taipei. EIN: 45-5218362
Copyright 2023, Living Arts International